Our Services
Circle of Security® Program for Educators & Childcare Workers
We are proud to offer facilitation of the world-renowned Circle of Security - Classroom® Program (COS-C®), in-person within the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, and Hunter Regions. COS-C® focuses on strengthening the attachment between early childhood teachers and children and offers significant benefits for educators, caregivers, and their valued students to achieve strong outcomes.
Consultation & Training for Educators & Organisations
We offer one-off or ongoing consultations and training opportunities tailored to the unique needs of educators and organisations who work with children. We aim to equip professionals with practical strategies and evidence-based techniques to support their work to create nurturing & inclusive environments that foster the social, emotional, and cognitive growth of children.
Clinical Supervision for
Mental Health Professionals
Our professional clinical supervision sessions provide a supportive environment for mental health professionals and provisional psychologists to enhance their clinical skills, deepen their theoretical understanding of their work, and receive personalised support from experienced supervisors designed to help them excel in their practice and serve their clients at their best.